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Out of Nothing

By Miao Xiaochun  September 4, 2011

Translated by Hao Yanjing

When we use virtual cameras to shoot the same scene from the left, the right, the front, the behind and the top, and link those pictures together; then it will be just like we extracted a cube out of this scene (objects that move to this area seem to be cut). We know it is very difficult to form 90° angles between one camera and another in reality when we use multiple cameras for shooting. However, it is very easy to do so with three-dimensional software; thus when we project those five images shot by five virtual cameras from the left, right, front, behind and top to the same cube, those five images can be linked accurately to form a cube by projection.

One hundred years ago, cubists tried to present all sides of an object on the same image; but they gave up accuracy very quickly and devoted themselves into a completely new way of expression; one hundred years later, with the help of new technology, we have more than one way of “cubic” expressions. Maybe the key of this issue is: how can this new technology be transformed into a new kind of artistic way of expression.